Teacher Leadership

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This strand is one that I feel that I have grown a lot in since I first started teaching. When I first started, I was very timid and lacked confidence in certain situations. Some situations that I struggled with handling were: paraprofessional issues, expressing thoughts in meetings, and approaching the professional staff with student needs. I feel that I have grown significantly in all of these areas. I feel that my principal has guided me to become the teacher and leader that I am today. I know there are situations that arise now that I handle on my own and before I would have gone to the principal for support. I feel that I am more of a 'quiet' leader as I tend to still take a step back and absorb information and then speak my thoughts later. This is mostly true when working with the entire staff. When working within our department, I am more comfortable with expressing my feelings/ thoughts up front. Although I feel that I have grown a great deal in this area, there is still plenty of room to grow more.

How do you address paraprofessionals that help too much?

Growth (updated April 2012)

I feel that I have continued to make progress with being a teacher leader. I tend to continue to be a 'quiet' leader but I have found that this works for me. I am very comfortable with bringing concerns/ideas to my department and I feel confident when working with my paraprofessionals. This school year our high school has gained two additional paraprofessionals. This has been a smooth transition and we have created strong working relationships. I have been able to address all issues/concerns with my paraprofessionals without having to ask for assistance from the principal. This year, we have also gained another special education teacher. This change took place at the start of 2nd semester. I have been able to assist this teacher with writing IEP's, providing suggestions/guidance for the classes that he is teaching, and co-teaching a class together. I have also been asked to be a co-chair for our special education PLC for next school year. This will definitely put my leadership skills to a test and may help me step out of my box to be more of a vocal leader. I look forward to the experience.