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For this strand, I feel that I am at the basic level. I am capable of doing the basic things when it comes to technology but have not ventured out of my 'comfort' zone. There are things that I would like to try like the the smartboard but have not taken the 'jump'. I think part of the reason why I have not done this is because I don't feel like I have the time to learn and then to implement it in the classroom. I think there are a lot of great tools out there that can be used and I hope to learn about more of them that are practical and not very time consuming.
How do I document progress in an applicable way (useful but not time consuming)?
Growth (updated April 2012)-
For this strand I feel that I have made significant growth. I have been able to implement the use of an Ipad in my classroom. I have many educational apps that I use as supplemental curriculum. I have also been trained to use a livescribe pen. This pen has many capabilities and useful tools that can assist students (i.e. record teacher lectures, read tests to students, create pod casts, etc). I have also learned how to use google docs and google calendar. This has been a very valuable tool for our grad. school program. Although, I have not used our department Promethean board very often, I have taken the time to use it periodically. I would like to use it more often. I have also created new, applicable ways to document student progress; however, I do not feel it fits with this strand. I am excited about the growth that I have made with technology and look forward to learning more.