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For this strand, I would also consider it a weak point for me. I don't believe that I am current on the best practices available. I usually do what I think works best for each individual student. One of the big pushes within our department has been direct direction. I do use this type of curriculum for some students, however, I don't believe it is always the best fit for every student. I am always wanting to learn more and new ways to deliver material but I don't feel that I am up to date on the best practices out there.
What techniques/ tools are out there to modify/ change behavior of a student with autism?
Growth- (updated April 2012)
This year I have had an opportunity to be trained to use Compass learning. I think this has been a very valuable tool to use as supplemental work for students. It really is a great tool to follow up instruction with. I also have been able to implement the use of an Ipad in my classroom. It has also been a great tool to use as supplemental work. I have also continued to use direct instruction within my classroom. I feel that the class that I am using this in, is a great match and has allowed my student to make progress. I have also went to a meeting on Read 180. Our district is debating on whether we want to purchase this program next year. This is a very in depth curriculum but it seemed like it would be of great benefit for struggling learners. I look forward to continuing to grow in this area.