Sunday, March 18, 2012


This year I have been implementing some new ways to document student progress. One of the first documents that I created is where I monitor the activity that we do in class each day and how the student did with the activity. I also give up to 5 points daily for participation. I also have the student IEP goals pasted on the folder where the documenation takes place. This has been very beneficial because it is a constent reminder of goals and allows to me glance at the student progress. I am then able to send these sheets home to parents so they can see progress made as well.

I also have been keeping track of sight words for one of my beginning readers. I have a list of mastered words and a list of words that the students knows but may not have mastered. We do flashcards every day as warm up using these words. I have the student do the words that he/she has mastered once a week. We do the other set of words every day. I have the person doing the words with him write down the words that he gets incorrect. I then use this list as a guide to know when to add words to the mastered list and when to add more words to need to master list. This has been working great to keep track of the student's progress.

I have also had a student that is working out of a direct instruction reading book monitor his/her reading progress. In the past, I would skip this part of the lesson. We would do the reading checks but I would not have students keep track of their progress. This has been working very well with this student. It has been a great motivator for the student and it has helped me with being able to see the students progress. I am glad that I started doing this. I think that it has been very beneficial.

It has been very beneficial to have more ways to document student progress. It has helped me with writing progress reports and IEP goals. I belief these tools will help me throughout my career.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Compass Training

Tonight I went to a training on Compass. I found that this computer program could be very valuable in my classroom. I like that you can adjust the lessons based upon the level of your students. I also like that it is tied back to the student's MAP test scores.

With this program, I was able to create lessons for every level of student that I am working with. I am excited to start the program with some of my students that function at a much lower level. There are times that I would like to switch things up but run out of options. I think this program will be able to provide that. I also like that you recieve instant notification of the results. You also are able to look over the assessments to see where the student may be going wrong.

I was very thrilled about the capabilities of this program. I think it is a tool that I will implement in the futur.